Using hubs in the city or suburb, see also in New York or Vermont
Food Centre Amsterdam: Distribution hub, education, leisure (restaurants using spoiled food), markets,
In such a centre also the recycling with transport has been taken care for
- using deliverable systems (the last mile)
- Albert Heijn and but also Kiala: The ordered system will be delivered in a shop: easy pick up
- Regio Hengelo introduces pick-up locations for food.
- Siemens introduces the refrigerator which can be filled from the outside (to be placed next to the front door)
- ambient lunches to be delivered via the post box or to be picked up at gas stations
- transporting food per public transport (e.g. transport trailers behind busses such as in Brandenburg)
- Experiment by Albert Hein to offer food via drive-in sales points Combination of pick-up and delivery services such as by Dutch Westland hothouse farmers : value networks the network of vending machines in Slovenia:
- for milk: meet: