Poppy is a food and agriculture specialist with a strong focus on food system transition, innovation and alternative agricultural practices. Holding a degree in International Food & Agribusiness from the HAS Green Academy (2019), Poppy has international experience in several sectors, including cacao, seeds, insect proteins and community supported agriculture. At SusMetro, Poppy is responsible for innovation management, stakeholder participation and food system aspects, and is experienced in several project structures including Interreg & Horizon2020. Poppy is also a youth ambassador for food system change, and is passionate about the potential of regenerative farming practices. Poppy has completed her Permaculture Design Certificate and regularly participates at local community farms.

Poppy at the Forum for the Future of Agriculture, 2022: See video

Youth voices Menu for Change: More information here

poppy@susmetro | 06-44100324 |LinkedIn Profile