Upcoming: Living Lab Knowledge Sharing Event in beautiful Porto!


Upcoming Event: Join Us at the Living Lab Knowledge Sharing Event in beautiful Porto! We’re excited to invite all Living Labs and organizations working in Food System Transformation to our upcoming event in Porto! The event is called The Role of Living Labs as Changemakers in Food System Transition: the Policy Perspective Date: October 10th, 2024 Location: Círculo Universitário do Porto (“Porto University Club”) | University of Porto (MHNC-UP) Part of the hashtag Cleverfood project and the FOOD 2030 Networks, this event will focus on lock-ins, barriers, and opportunities for food system transitions from a Living Lab perspective. It’s the [...]

Upcoming: Living Lab Knowledge Sharing Event in beautiful Porto!2024-10-02T17:01:49+02:00

Unlocking the food system: a co-creation session with 13 Living Labs from the Cities 2030 project


Unlocking the food system: a co-creation session with 13 Living Labs from the Cities 2030 project Envision a Europe in which urban areas, the peri-urban and rural hinterlands cooperate closely on the development of food systems that are driven by the fuels of justice, inclusivity, sustainability and community empowerment. Now, imagine that such areas adopt a City Region Food System (CRFS) which offers concrete and holistic policies that improve the economic, social and environmental conditions in both urban and nearby rural areas. A food system where urban food developmental issues can be addressed and rural and urban communities can be [...]

Unlocking the food system: a co-creation session with 13 Living Labs from the Cities 2030 project2024-10-02T15:07:02+02:00

Reports on the BIVAC Resource, Impact and Stakeholder Analysis


This BIVAC (www.bivac.eu) Interreg project report covers the summary results from the Resource, Impact and Stakeholder analysis for the Euregio Rhine-Maas-North between The Netherlands and Germany. Using a set of cross-boundary statistics on agricultural production and the associated residue streams derived from international data, we mapped biomass streams relevant for high value, innovative products in pharmacy, health, food and feed. Next to the overview on all 7 biomass streams, we offer an in-depth ‘spotlight-view’ on three selected crops, namely grass, sugar beet and aggregated vegetable data with detailed interpretations of 2019 data. For the same 'spotlight-crops' we undertook an impact [...]

Reports on the BIVAC Resource, Impact and Stakeholder Analysis2022-01-17T13:55:23+01:00

FoodSHIFT2030: Brochure on 90 Innovation Portraits


This overview compiled by SUSMETRO highlighting 90 Innovation Portraits from Athens, Avignon, Bari, Berlin, Barcelona, Brasov, Copenhagen, Oostende and Wroclaw provides not only an inspiring portfolio of the diverse innovations that are actively contributing to food system transition, but also an example of how individual action, by individual innovators, can kick-start the development of an innovation ecosystem. These innovation ecosystems are fundamental in challenging the status-quo of food systems, and can generate awareness, interest and engagement with change. Through supporting the innovators highlighted in these Innovation Portraits, the FoodSHIFT2030 consortium hopes to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon, circular and [...]

FoodSHIFT2030: Brochure on 90 Innovation Portraits2022-01-14T10:31:03+01:00

BIVAC: Biomass Value Chains – brochure


The BIVAC Brochure on Biomass Value Chains in availabe in Dutch and in German. Below you find the English translation. Bio-economy More and more companies are relying on the use of sustainable raw materials. Replacing fossil raw materials with plant-based raw materials or opting for residual streams from the region as feedstock can go a long way toward reducing the environmental impact of companies. The possibilities for such value creation are almost endless. Plant waste streams play a special role here: With innovative techniques, biomass from agriculture, horticulture and forestry can be processed into a wide range of high-quality end [...]

BIVAC: Biomass Value Chains – brochure2022-01-14T10:29:53+01:00

Change of Meals… Innovative Solutions for problems of our food system


Eating more consciously  - producing less waste – transparency regarding origin and production Addressing different sets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we show how local actors in the field of sustainable food systems are networking in the region (‘connecting’). For this purpose students and research journalists have collected examples and photos about innovative approaches and sustainable solutions in companies and organisations in and around three cities in Kleve/Germany, Oostende/Belgium and Tilburg and DenBosch/The Netherlands (‘illustrating’). The results are meant to point at new value chains, new ways for cooperation and new opportunities for upscaling (‘strengthening’). Research partner [...]

Change of Meals… Innovative Solutions for problems of our food system2022-01-14T10:24:57+01:00

PRESS RELEASE: FoodSHIFT2030 Project kick-off


The transformation of the European food system has started! The 1st of January 2020 not only marked the beginning of a new decade, but also the start of the new EU Horizon 2020 project: FoodSHIFT2030. FoodSHIFT2030 is setting the ambitious goal of transforming European food systems by means of groundbreaking mechanisms for maturing, combining, upscaling and multiplying sustainable food system innovations. Christian Bugge Henriksen from the University of Copenhagen is coordinating the FoodSHIFT2030 project and says: "Our house is on fire and the youth has called upon us to act. I am really happy to see that the EU is [...]

PRESS RELEASE: FoodSHIFT2030 Project kick-off2022-01-14T10:05:46+01:00

Brabant’s Circular Party


The working group Brabant’s Circular Party is part of the Food1000 initiative by the Province of North-Brabant (https://www.brabantse-agrofood2020.nl/samenwerking/voedsel1000/default.aspx) - the first bottom-up citizen-driven approach towards building a more sustainable food system. Brabant’s Circular Party is: Josien Boll, Jacqueline van Eerd, Jan Jacobs, Marian Langens Minke Siemensma, Martijn Stevens & Dirk Wascher Summary 1. Our proposal: A circular food system will become the new main stream Imagine a future world in which circular food systems have become the new normality. The choice for circular production will automatically be the most sustainable, economically viable and most convincing choice. Waste will no longer [...]

Brabant’s Circular Party2019-11-05T08:31:36+01:00
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